AKA as an employer

Highly qualified and motivated employees are the key to AKA’s business success. With its high specialisation in short, medium and long-term export and trade finance, these qualifications are of crucial importance for AKA. AKA offers varied and challenging day-to-day activities. As part of the AKA team you have a great deal of scope for working independently and autonomously and will receive performance-tied remuneration and attractive benefits. 

Flat hierarchies, active involvement and responsible duties

How we work

AKA is a small company with an average of 145 employees (FTE, by end of 2023). Thanks to this compact size, employees at AKA can play an active role on all levels. The flat hierarchical structure makes it possible for new recruitees and young talents to assume responsible duties within a short space of time.

Trust and respect form the basis of our joint activities. AKA encourages active dialogue within the company – including constructive criticism.

Our values

AKA promotes and demands the following joint values:

  • An entrepreneurial mind-set
  • Service and customer-centric approach
  • High level of motivation, personal initiative and resilience
  • Culture of trust and dialogue based on openness, credibility and the ability to handle conflicts
  • Flexibility and willingness to learn on the part of employees by accepting new duties
  • Training and skills development as well as initiative

Career and family: in the interests of a good work-life balance

AKA is committed to ensuring a viable work-life balance. This corporate philosophy is also reflected in the availability of part-time employment.
In addition, AKA has signed a contract with pme Familienservice to provide employees with child-minding, home care and elderly care facilities among other things. 

Health and fitness in the interests of a pleasant working climate

Health, a good working atmosphere and motivation go hand in hand with each other. In addition to the standard pay-scale benefits, AKA offers extensive voluntary benefits as part of its company health management scheme. All work places have modern fittings and provide a pleasant working atmosphere. Employees are able to attain their goals in this setting, thus contributing to the bank’s success.

Career development in the interests of new qualifications

AKA invests in its employees, offering them high-quality further training programmes. Professional and personal development of our employees is the focus of our human resources work.


Mobile working, Jobrad, Babbel language app, massage offer, gym allowance, Jobticket, retirement plan

Current vacancies

The the job descriptions are available in German language only.

Please check here.


If you like to find out more about AKA as an employer or about one of the open positions please contact us. We are happy to be in touch with you:

Astrid Barac


Head of Human Resources

+49 69 29891-165